Monday, June 27, 2005

Ole Ole Ole

I know that I haven't written in more than a while but trust me I've been busy. I can't believe that it has been a year already since I started this blog!wtf.

So a little update...I have pseudo moved in with Terry. A great guy that treats me like gold and that I really know. We've been somewhat of a hot potato type item for three months now and it doesn't look like either one of us is cooling off the jets so yippee for me and youpiee for all you french-frenchers.

School, besides being a very challenging social environment due to administration and educator alike is very quite the gay ol' time. I have made some super friends out of really groovy girls and learned quite a bit. The last day for me is September 2 and I expect that the next two months will be packed with more learning. Giddyup.

Oh yeah. I went out with the Mom and the Bro last friday night to celebrate Quebec and all it's wee glory and we had a very super time. There was live French Canadian music and we all danced and sang the night away. Poor mom had to drive while Spock and I got to drink. What a trooper she is. Saturday morning brought upon a pretty hefty hangtime for me though because I subconsciously try keeping up with Scooter when we drink and he has at least 50pds on me so he wins and I get sick! Next time I will limit myself to one pitcher max.

I will get back soon.