Tuesday, July 05, 2005

My Birthday

I had an amazing time on my birthday. I hope all who came had fun too. I have time off soon so I will write about it then but in the meantime you can check out some pictures on Ringo...



Monday, June 27, 2005

Ole Ole Ole

I know that I haven't written in more than a while but trust me I've been busy. I can't believe that it has been a year already since I started this blog!wtf.

So a little update...I have pseudo moved in with Terry. A great guy that treats me like gold and that I really like...you know. We've been somewhat of a hot potato type item for three months now and it doesn't look like either one of us is cooling off the jets so yippee for me and youpiee for all you french-frenchers.

School, besides being a very challenging social environment due to administration and educator alike is very quite the gay ol' time. I have made some super friends out of really groovy girls and learned quite a bit. The last day for me is September 2 and I expect that the next two months will be packed with more learning. Giddyup.

Oh yeah. I went out with the Mom and the Bro last friday night to celebrate Quebec and all it's wee glory and we had a very super time. There was live French Canadian music and we all danced and sang the night away. Poor mom had to drive while Spock and I got to drink. What a trooper she is. Saturday morning brought upon a pretty hefty hangtime for me though because I subconsciously try keeping up with Scooter when we drink and he has at least 50pds on me so he wins and I get sick! Next time I will limit myself to one pitcher max.

I will get back soon.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Long Weekend

Been a long time waiting. I am sure all of you are just as excited about it as I am. I don't have the whole time planned out yet but I am for sure going to go to my first Rodeo. I think that Terry and I should both wear feathers in our hair and leather thongs so that it can be a full-on Cowboys and Indians event. Yeah. I am also toying with the idea of a tattoo but I am a big chicken-shit and am scared of the pain so we'll just have to wait and see about that.


Tuesday, May 03, 2005


I like it. And driving Jeeps. And Terry. And other things too.


Sunday, April 24, 2005

Ummm Sushi

I had the pleasure of going out to my favorite Sushi restaurant for dinner tonight and it was super yummy.
Now must do homework.


Saturday, April 23, 2005


Went shopping today because none of my summer clothes fit me anymore. I lost about 20 pounds since last summer and skirts look really bad 3 sizes too big. That was fun. Bought a bathing suit too. Just because. It looks good. I like summer and I like summer clothes. They are so fun. And little.
I am also still sick. I got sick a week ago and still feel quite under the weather. My throat feels raw from all the coughing and my head feels like it is being squeezed in a vice. Bah. I hope you all are fine and stuff.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Things I Hate

Being sick
Not having money
People getting mad at you before finding out the real story or even bothering to hear the whole story
Bad hair days
The smell of cooking liver
Not having enough time to do everything you want to do in a day
People who make you feel bad for not calling when they didn't either
Paying bills
Helmet hair


Monday, April 18, 2005


I really hate it when I am so sure about something that I argue my point and try to drive it home only to prove myself an idiot in the end.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Second Time Around

So I watched Napoleon Dynamite for the second time. I liked it way more this time. The first time I was doing homework at the same time as watching and I missed all the funny parts. So all I wanted to do was kick him in the head. I still kinda wanted to kick him in the head this time but enjoyed it for the most part and laughed quite a bit. So yeah. And stay tuned for my performance of the dance solo in the near future when I am out, loaded and have learned all the moves...


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

So Much and Nothing at All

Lots of little things to report...A pirate party, new friends, good friends, lots of school, a great family and a super duper motorcycle. Yes, I put insurance on Cougar last week and LOVE to ride. I always forget how much fun I have on the bike when I am not on it and then one ride just opens the flood gates of good times. Chris is almost here, I think another two weeks or so and Scott is almost done his exams so summer is definetely on the way and I am very much looking forward to it. I thought I would be single for a while but it looks as though fate had other plans for me and things are going very nicely with someone...


Thursday, February 24, 2005

Out with the Old, In with the...Old?!

I am going to move back in with the parents. It is going to be a little difficult but not the end of the world. The bills wont be as hard to pay and I wont have as many responsibilities and that is good.

Talk at yous later,

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

T'was a Very Excellent Weekend

So I knew that the sadness would pass and that all would be groovy...but I had no idea that I would be SO happy SO fast. I had the best weekend. I am funny again. I love myself today and stuff is f*#ing A! Rock on Partyers. I have some news aswell. I have a cell phone that you can get the number from my home answering machine and I am moving at the end of March so if anyone wants to help...You know you are welcome. Yeah. Life is good and full of promise. Hoorah for the sunshine.


Sunday, February 20, 2005

Saturday Night at the Viger

Sopranos Karaoke Bar. That's right. That is where it is at. Tomorrow at Darcy's. Come on down.


Sunday, February 13, 2005

Does anyone have an opinion...

about which cell phone company to go with? I am in the market for one and I was wondering if you fine people had any yay/nay recommendations for me...If so, please comment.

Thanks and talk to you soon,

Saturday, February 12, 2005


I wonder if everyone is as excited as I am that this is the year of the rooster?! It just so happens that I am born in the year of the rooster. Lucky me. I can tell that this is going to be a great year. It is already off to such a great start. I can't wait to see what my future holds for me! It must be good. I am just so excited. I hope that the year is as great for everyone else as it is for me.

Keep me updated on the good news,


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Having Stuff

You all know that I have started school now...Good yes.
I have been required to buy too much stuff. My little Shoebox home is so stuffed now that Aur is starting to go Nero on me...I wouldn't have thought that I would need a drafting table, computer, library...(Not yet purchased of course...) for school. They didn't really warn me before starting either which is a bummer. I don't have computer time right now besides on Wednesdays so I am not reachable for now by computer/email...I will let you all know once I get a hold of more constant access to the WWW and that magical galaxy of Hyberness.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005

This Day

January 12, 2005

So I am in my second week at school. Again. But other than the busy schedule, new stuff and tons of supplies to be bought it is going fairly well. I am glad that I learnt some stuff about computers last year and this summer (thanks Mike and Grant) because I am required to learn Macs now and it isn't the same.

Besides that, there isn't too much to say. Aur is waiting to go sailing for the month of February and we are still looking for a dojo...I am still working at LD and Scott is back from Pickering (Toronto)...Good, good.

Hope to hear from everyone soon and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

