Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Having Stuff

You all know that I have started school now...Good yes.
I have been required to buy too much stuff. My little Shoebox home is so stuffed now that Aur is starting to go Nero on me...I wouldn't have thought that I would need a drafting table, computer, library...(Not yet purchased of course...) for school. They didn't really warn me before starting either which is a bummer. I don't have computer time right now besides on Wednesdays so I am not reachable for now by computer/email...I will let you all know once I get a hold of more constant access to the WWW and that magical galaxy of Hyberness.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005

This Day

January 12, 2005

So I am in my second week at school. Again. But other than the busy schedule, new stuff and tons of supplies to be bought it is going fairly well. I am glad that I learnt some stuff about computers last year and this summer (thanks Mike and Grant) because I am required to learn Macs now and it isn't the same.

Besides that, there isn't too much to say. Aur is waiting to go sailing for the month of February and we are still looking for a dojo...I am still working at LD and Scott is back from Pickering (Toronto)...Good, good.

Hope to hear from everyone soon and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

