Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Having Stuff

You all know that I have started school now...Good yes.
I have been required to buy too much stuff. My little Shoebox home is so stuffed now that Aur is starting to go Nero on me...I wouldn't have thought that I would need a drafting table, computer, library...(Not yet purchased of course...) for school. They didn't really warn me before starting either which is a bummer. I don't have computer time right now besides on Wednesdays so I am not reachable for now by computer/email...I will let you all know once I get a hold of more constant access to the WWW and that magical galaxy of Hyberness.


1 comment:

Lorna said...

We're proud of you, little bit...but don't let anybody go Nero on you. So much snow here, so much winter. Opening the door to get the mail takes half an hour of recovery. Dave and Jim are going winter camping in Algonquin Park though, so somebody's loving it. They're taking Jim's digital camera, so we'll have some pictures to post.
Em was here last night, and sad about having lost touch with you over the last little while. She's moving with Morgan to a new apartment tomorrow and starting that new life. To get herself in the mood, she had a very dramatic hair colour done yesterday---chocolate brown base, auburny bits and overlaid with great chunks of silvery-white. (I hope to post a couple of pictures over the next day or so on my Deb-inspired blog) She looks awesome, and is starting again to wear the kind of clothes she used to love; something good is coming of this although it's taken a while to see it.
Stay in touch as you can, my dear, and if I were starting again, it would definitely be laptop---so pleasant to drink latte and write papers at Starbucks. XX Lorna