Sunday, April 17, 2005

Second Time Around

So I watched Napoleon Dynamite for the second time. I liked it way more this time. The first time I was doing homework at the same time as watching and I missed all the funny parts. So all I wanted to do was kick him in the head. I still kinda wanted to kick him in the head this time but enjoyed it for the most part and laughed quite a bit. So yeah. And stay tuned for my performance of the dance solo in the near future when I am out, loaded and have learned all the moves...



Lorna said...

Deb, the moves are easy---I learned them in an afternoon, with a full length mirror and the ND soundtrack. The hard part is getting the clothes right--the right amount of tight and geeky is foreign to us. You'll enjoy it though. XX

Anonymous said...

Oh dear lord I hope I am there when it happens.

I never really got the appeal of ND, and it lessens everyday as my sons incessently says "Dah!" and"Jees" and "Tina, you fat lard, come and eat your meatloaf."

When are we going out again?