Saturday, April 23, 2005


Went shopping today because none of my summer clothes fit me anymore. I lost about 20 pounds since last summer and skirts look really bad 3 sizes too big. That was fun. Bought a bathing suit too. Just because. It looks good. I like summer and I like summer clothes. They are so fun. And little.
I am also still sick. I got sick a week ago and still feel quite under the weather. My throat feels raw from all the coughing and my head feels like it is being squeezed in a vice. Bah. I hope you all are fine and stuff.



Jonathan said...

Hi Deb - Sounds like you are feeling miserable with the sickness and all.

I found your blog post through a project I am doing to combine 109 Victoria blogs into a single webpage. It's fascinating to see what people in Victoria are blogging about at any given hour.

Jonathan said...

Here's a proper link:

Lorna said...

Deb, I hope you're taking good care of yourself---you don't want to lose another 20 pounds. It's hard to imagine you thinner than when we were out last.

WE're getting close to buying a condo in Gatineau---now we have to do all the stupid stuff that needs doing before we can get a good price for this place. aaaarrrggghhh!!!