Thursday, July 29, 2004

I Miss my Friends

I am not really the type of girl that has many girlfriends. It isn't really a conscious thing. It's just that I never really got along too well with them. I got picked on A LOT in elementary school and at my high school in Quebec by girls. I never had the little possy of girls that I grew up with and we were all best of friends like Now and Then or the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. Actually, the girls in school decided every few months to form the "Against Debbie Club". That was fun, for them. So I started to hang out with guys instead because I found that they were more forgiving of the little things. They don't compete with you on every little thing. It was better.
Then when I moved out to Victoria 3 years ago I started to meet some really cool girls. Awesome girls and really good friends. (This is where the title fits in) It hasn't failed though, that just when I meet girls that I really get along with and that we have things in common...Bam. They move away. All of them. It never fails. And it sucks. I feel like I am somehow cursed to not have good girlfriends. Now don't get me wrong, I am not looking for them and believe me, it is still for the mostpart easier to hang out with guys...But I'd like to make a friend and put the time and effort into a friendship that isn't just going to have to turn into a long distance thing as soon as it gets to the comfortable stage. When you know that if asked for their opinion, it wont just be nice, it will be the truth.
Friend = ami (guy) amie (girl)
Nectarine = nectarine...hahaha
Duck = canard
For Mike:
Lloyd Christmas: I'm talkin' about a place where the beer flows like wine, where the women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. I'm talkin' about Aspen.
Harry Dunne: I don't know Lloyd, the French are assholes.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Trying to go to Tofino

Believe it or not.
When you are trying to make plans by yourself, for two who have never been there, it can be a challenging thing. Especially if you are silly and you have left making plans to the last minute. Having a fear of bear and/or cougar attacks, camping doesn't sound like a good night sleep. (I rather fake camp at Goldstream where I have slim to no chance of running into wildlife)
Trying to search the internet for information is confusing and all the prices I am finding for lodging start at $115/night. That just seems extravagant. Even the hostile is $80/night. wtf.
I do hope to go up there though because my friend is heading there this weekend and she says that she will teach me to surf. That is cool.
The problem with that is that I am afraid of being in water that I can't see the bottom of. Yeah. A big scardycat is what I am.
If any of you know what you can do to help such fears please share them with me so that I can crawl out of my shell and do something besides drink.
wet chicken = poule mouillee
chicken wings = ailes de poulet
chicken breast = sein de poulet (but you say poitrine, just because)
Looking for some Valium,

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Just When I thought She Couldn't be Better...

Okay. So I have been talking a lot about Lola lately. I know. The rest of you are all jealous. Well, I just have one more little rant.
You see, for the last I don't know how long my mom has been coming back from hair appointments looking like a great great grandmother from the 80's. It is as though when she turned 35 the hairstylists just decided that she would now need to have roller-hair and puffy nanny bangs.
Even when I used to go the appointments as a teen and tell the so-called professionals NOT to make my mother look old and used up...They still would. Well, maybe they would tease the bangs more than if I hadn't of said anything, but definitely still old lady.
My mom had an appointment with Lady Lola on Sunday and I had the (believe me when I say) Awesome Pleasure to see her hair yesterday. I mean really. It could not look better. It has some sass. A fantastic color. And my mom loves it too. She is excited about her hair. She did NOT run home and wash out the AGE. She ran home and loved it. When I saw her yesterday she still couldn't stop touching it. My dad loves it. She's hot.
Thank you Lola. You have really made yourself two new loyal clients who will be willing to follow you where ever your path takes you.
The End.

Monday, July 26, 2004

What a Great Haircut Can do

I must say that I haven't been in very high spirits lately. I have been on the verge of what has felt like a mental breakdown for way too long now. Things were just a little too much for me to handle well and it was really getting the best of me...
After my hair cut last Wednesday I went home feeling sorta not like myself. Maybe it was the instant loss of 6 inches off the length of my hair or maybe it was just time for me to snap out of it but regardless of the reason, every day since then has felt better than the last.
I am motivated to look into schooling options for this fall and to continue my quest for a full time job so that if school is not possible, I wont be unemployed. I am motivated to make the best of this long weekend coming up. I am motivated to tell my family and friends just how much their patience and support is appreciated and I am motivated to get out of yucky situations as quickly as possible. That is alot of motivation!
Thank you to everyone who has had to put up with my impossible moods lately and I apologize for not giving you the time and energy you deserve.
Helpful stuff:
Spoon = Cuillere
Fork = Fourchette
Knife = Couteau
Take care and toodleloo,
P.S. If any of you are in the market for an amazing hair stylist who will make you look your best, check out Lola at Wiink on Johnson Street in Victoria.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Oh Brother

Happy Birthday Scott!
I hope you have the most amazing day today. I can't wait to see you later. I hope that the birthday armadillo brings you everything you wished for and that you feel like you are on top of the world...

To everyone else, I hope you can come down to the Canoe Club tonight. We will be there at around seven and I don't really see us leaving for quite a while! Party on Wayne. Party on Garth.

In the words of Samir Naeinanajab, "Mother Shit"

Blessings in the name of Because Friday,

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Hungry, Hungry Hippos

If only we could get hypnotized into thinking that we had gone fishing all day when we got home from work. Ah, what a great dream to have. Maybe a million-dollar idea...
I found this funny.
University Admissions Criteria for unsaid US University:

Evidence of a new birth in Jesus Christ
Likelihood of a successful college experience
Ability to contribute to the life of the college

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I spend all day in a database so my perception of humor tends to warp a little...

For Graham:
Seal = Phoque
Seal = Sceller
Late = Retard

Ok, that is funnier than my stuff.



Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Motivation to Learn

Today I am going to buy a book. It is called Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug. I am looking forward to reading it because if I am interested and stimulated by what it has to say then I may have a potential career path to head down. I am very excited about this prospect because it is very depressing not to know what you want to do when you grow up and everyone around you has figured themselves out.
Car = Bagnole
Mustard = Moutarde
Point of No Return = La Femme Nikita
I am willing to take some personal requests for translations...just leave me a comment.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

He Said "You're Beautiful" and She Melted...

What a great treat for making it through Monday.
I have an appointment to go get my hair did...with Victoria's bestest HairStyleest, Lola. SO excited!
I also want you all to know that you are invited to the Canoe Club Patio Friday at 7pm for some good times. So, if you have any questions, ask and they shall be answered.
I apologize for the ubershort post but work is almost done so that means I get to go home...
Michael Bolton = Dan Bigras
Girlfriend (ghetto) = Ma Fille, La
See yous,

Monday, July 19, 2004

White Water

After what felt like a weekend from a V.C. Andrews novel...
I am having a rough time with certain aspects of life right now. What I thought used to be limits to points of no return seem to be fading away into nothingness. I find it interesting that a person can go so long thinking they have themselves figured out to a certain degree and then something happens that tosses everything into a salad spinner, gives a good spin and then that same person nanoseconds later can have a totally new outlook.
I feel like that person. That is all for today.
new = nouveau
found = trouver
something = quelque chose

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Remembered My Username

What a relief it was to wake up this morning and remember my username.  It came to me in the middle of story-telling and put the absolute biggest smile on my face.
I went out to a bar last night for the first time in about two years. Now don't get me wrong, I do get out but for the past while all my expeditions have been out to the Pubs. (I like Pubs). So I was taken out to Evolution by some really nice cool people and was encouraged to have a good time. I did. It was nice to see that nothing had changed and I was happy this morning when I didn't wake up with a crazy hangover as I usually do on Saturday mornings.
Thank you Grant and Lola for being good people.
I think I am going to try and keep these first posts fairly short in hope that I don't discourage people from coming here and so this brings me to the french bit.
Mullet= Coupe Longueil
Sidewalk= trottoir
Tooshie= cue
Hope you are all enjoying the weekend,

Friday, July 16, 2004

Day One

My very first Post. Wow. The big question of "Who wants to read about me and my life?" is now the only thing that comes to my mind...
Well, I guess some people will have nothing better to do, perhaps at their jobs or instead of following their significant others to bed and might stop by to see what the ol' Debster is thinking, talking and blogging about.
So, right off the bat I'd like to warn all future visitors to this site that not very much happens in my little life and I am not the wittiest or cleverist with words but I promise to include some of my magnificent french canadian spins in each and everyone of my postings.
To kick things off light and slow for all you beginners:
Cat = animal du diable
Dog = le meilleur ami de l'homme
Rain = pluie
Thanks for stopping by and don't be shy,