Monday, July 19, 2004

White Water

After what felt like a weekend from a V.C. Andrews novel...
I am having a rough time with certain aspects of life right now. What I thought used to be limits to points of no return seem to be fading away into nothingness. I find it interesting that a person can go so long thinking they have themselves figured out to a certain degree and then something happens that tosses everything into a salad spinner, gives a good spin and then that same person nanoseconds later can have a totally new outlook.
I feel like that person. That is all for today.
new = nouveau
found = trouver
something = quelque chose

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey debbie!

Its Hamish, how are you? I havent heard from or seen you in so long!
I would really like to know more of what you mean by "people changing" and why do you feel like that person?
Any hew.... I should get going, but it was nice to "hear" from you, and we should get together for coffee sometime or something.
