Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Trying to go to Tofino

Believe it or not.
When you are trying to make plans by yourself, for two who have never been there, it can be a challenging thing. Especially if you are silly and you have left making plans to the last minute. Having a fear of bear and/or cougar attacks, camping doesn't sound like a good night sleep. (I rather fake camp at Goldstream where I have slim to no chance of running into wildlife)
Trying to search the internet for information is confusing and all the prices I am finding for lodging start at $115/night. That just seems extravagant. Even the hostile is $80/night. wtf.
I do hope to go up there though because my friend is heading there this weekend and she says that she will teach me to surf. That is cool.
The problem with that is that I am afraid of being in water that I can't see the bottom of. Yeah. A big scardycat is what I am.
If any of you know what you can do to help such fears please share them with me so that I can crawl out of my shell and do something besides drink.
wet chicken = poule mouillee
chicken wings = ailes de poulet
chicken breast = sein de poulet (but you say poitrine, just because)
Looking for some Valium,


Anonymous said...

That's so funny. I was just talking to a friend about how he had to get over his fear of sharks in order to learn to surf at Tofino.

A. Don't just try to ignore your fear; break it down and analuze it til it's dead.

B. Hostile means mean and cranky and just not nice. You mean hostel. It's a funny typo given your discussion of fears and nasty things.

C. I think you are unlikely to meet wildlife up there since the entire westcoast is crawling with tourists right now.

D. GO!! Have fun!! Tofino ROCKS!!!


Deb said...

Thanks Shan. I think you are right about the wildlife this weekend. But there aren't any sharks here are there? Just Octopusses and Mean Things.

Anonymous said...

Finally, I know what "wet chicken" is en francais. My French vocab is complete*!


*Note: Grant's French vocabulary is about the farthest thing from complete there is. Like, if you can imagine something really far from something else... that's how far his vocabulary is from being complete. In French.

Anonymous said...

c'est vrai! ;)

deb, i also have a big fear of the ocean (probably 'cos i've nearly drowned twice). but i have also been surfing in tofino, and let me assure you, it is the coolest thing possible.

you get over your fear of the water real quick, b/c you get knocked off your surfboard (and by your surfboard) about 800 times. also, you get your face ground through the sand on the bottom. also, you swallow about a gallon of ocean water. but then you stand up on it and fly across the top of the water and it is the coolest thing EVER. i kid you not. i'd go again in a second!!!!

have SO MUCH FUN!!!
love lola xox

ps: the saltwater is good for your hairstyle. ;)